
  1. 訂單一經接納,任何情況下皆不可取消、更改、退款或轉讓;
  2. 領取蛋糕時,請出示確認書以作核實之用;
  3. 自取點只設於荔枝角工作室, 銅鑼灣名店坊/ Mira Place(指定款式)pop up store。出於衛生考慮,上述地址外不提供交收服務;
    3.1 取餅地點於訂單接納後恕不可更改;
  4. 逾時不候, 請務必於我們辦公時間内取餅。而出於衛生考慮,除了店員於店内親手把蛋糕交給客人外,請恕未能作其他安排;
  5. 如果你希望授權第三方代你領取蛋糕,請確保該人仕能夠 i) 出示確認函或提供你的個人資料以兹識別; ii) 到我們的店鋪取餅及核對清楚產品無誤; iii) 在 60 分鐘內完成你的運送要求;
    5.1 由於工作室/ pop up store 人手有限,請恕我們未能提供代客安排其他公司運送服務;
  6. 送貨服務: 
  • 上門送貨服務只適用於住宅地址 (無升降機樓宇除外); 如需送貨至辦公室或工廈地址,客戶可能需到路邊取餅;如要求司機上門需另加 $30 泊車費; 
  • 由於交通無法預測,實際到達時間可能有所偏差,請為你的訂單留出足夠時間收貨;
  • 如司機等待時間超過 10 分鐘,需補$20附加費 ;如等待 15 分鐘仍無法交收,司機將離開; 
  • 如於同日需重新安排運送,不論任何原因,需補 50% 額外運費
  • 如當日收件人無法收貨, 作棄單論


 7. 如遇上惡劣天氣或極端情況,我們的取餅及送貨服務將安排如下:

       7.1 天文台於取餅日當日早上 9 時或之前懸掛黑色暴雨,颱風 8 號或以上信號

  • 早上 9 時或之前除下,照常營業;
  • 中午12 時或之前除下,取餅服務於天文台除下有關信號兩小時後 (荔枝角工作室)/ 三小時後 (pop up store) 恢復;送貨服務將從下午 3 時開始提供;
  • 下午 3 時或之前除下,天文台除下有關信號兩小時後 (荔枝角工作室/ 送貨服務)/ 三小時後 (pop up store) 恢復,或按原定計劃  (以較晚者為準), 工作室如常 7pm 關門;
  • 下午 3 時後除下,全日休息。我們將在下一個工作日 Whatsapp 客人以作新的取餅日安排

          7.2 天文台於取餅日當日早上 9 時未有發出惡劣天氣警報,但預料將於日間時間改掛颱風 8 號或以上信號:

  • 訂單可如常安排,pop up store/ 工作室會由天文台預測時間的1小時前起停止營業,所有送貨或取餅服務將暫停


      8. 我們已盡一切努力盡可能準確地顯示顏色和設計。然而,隨著電腦顯示器、平板電腦和設備的不同,實際可能會有所不同;

      9. 隨蛋糕附上蠟燭一枝。出於環保考慮,請恕沒有餐具提供;

      10. MOSHIMOCHI Limited 保留最終決定權。

General Terms and Conditions

1. Once the order is accepted, it is considered to be final. The order is neither cancellable, changeable, refundable, nor transferable;

2. Please present your confirmation email (soft/ hard copy) in order to complete the collection; 

3. Pick up points are available at Lai Chi Kok Studio, K11 Musea/ Causeway Bay pop-up store. Out of hygienic concern, pick up point is not available elsewhere from the aforementioned address;
    3.1 Pick up point is strictly not changeable once the order is accepted under all circumstances

4.  Late pick-up after our office hours shall not be entertained under all circumstances. Out of hygenic concerns, no other pick up arrangement would be arranged except for picking up at our store directly;

5. If you would like to authorize a third party to pick up the cake on your behalf, please ensure the personnel would be able to i) provide your personal information/ order confirmation; ii) attain our shop personally and confirm the product is properly arranged; iii) complete your delivery request within 60 mins;
   5.1 Please note that we cannot arrange pick-up services on behalf of our customers with other logistic companies or on-line platforms due to limited manpower and the need to serve our in-store customers.

6. Delivery related: 

    -door-to-door delivery service is applicable to residential address only (excluding buildings without lift installed);

    -for office or industrial address delivery,  customer may need to collect the delivery at roadside; or, extra $30 parking fee may be charged for door to door delivery;

    -when selecting delivery time slots, please allow plenty of time for your order as we are at the mercy of traffic which can be unpredictable; actual arrival time may vary;

    -waiting charge $20 kicks in after 10 mins of wait; while, the driver will leave after 15 mins of wait

    -in case same day re-delivery is required, surcharge of 50% original delivery fee will be imposed

    -if the recipient could not collect the delivery on the date as scheduled, the order would be forfeited

  1. In the event of severe weather or extreme circumstances, our pastry pickup and delivery services will be arranged as follows:

7.1 If the Hong Kong Observatory issues a black rainstorm warning signal or a typhoon signal number 8 or above before 9:00 a.m. on the day of pastry pickup:

  • If the signal is lowered before 9:00 a.m., normal business operations will resume.
  • If the signal is lowered before 12:00 p.m., pastry pickup service at the Lai Chi Kok studio will resume two hours after the signal is lowered, and three hours after the signal is lowered for the pop-up store. Delivery service will begin at 3:00 p.m.
  • If the signal is lowered before 3:00 p.m., pastry pickup service at the Lai Chi Kok studio and delivery service will resume two hours after the signal is lowered, and three hours after the signal is lowered for the pop-up store. Alternatively, services will proceed according to the original plan (with preference given to the later time). The studio will close at 7:00 p.m. as usual.
  • If the signal is lowered after 3:00 p.m., all services will be suspended for the entire day. We will contact customers via WhatsApp on the next working day to arrange a new pastry pickup date.

7.2 If the Hong Kong Observatory has not issued a severe weather warning before 9:00 a.m. on the day of pastry pickup, but it is anticipated that a typhoon signal number 8 or above will be issued during the daytime:

  • Orders will be as usual. The pop-up store and studio will and cease operations one hour before the predicted time by the Hong Kong Observatory. All delivery and pastry pickup services will be temporarily suspended.


8. We have made every effort to display the colour and design as accurately as possible. However, as computer monitors, tablets and devices vary, actual may vary; 

9. We are happy to provide a candle. However, out of environmental concerns, no tableware would be provided; 

9. MOSHIMOCHI Limited reserves the right of final decision.