
- 只適用於有陸路連接的工商或住宅地址;

- 上門送貨服務只適用於有陸路連接的住宅地址(無電梯樓宇、馬灣及愉景灣除外); 

- 如送貨地址未有提供免費泊車,收件人需到路邊取餅;如在未有提供免費泊車的情況下要求司機送貨上門,客人需補付 $30 泊車費; 

- 由於路面情況無法預測,請預留至少一個小時的時段收貨

- 如因天氣惡劣、交通擠塞等原因而導致運輸無法在指定時間完成,本店將不會承擔相關責任;

- 請收件人於送貨當天留意司機來電。如司機等侯時間超過 10 分鐘,需補$20附加費 ;如司機等候超過15分鐘仍未能聯絡收件人,司機將回將蛋糕送回工作室; 

- 如需於同日重新安排送貨,不論任何原因,需補 50% 額外運費

- 如收件人於訂單送貨日子無法收貨,將作棄單論

- 大部分訂單均是由我們司機安排運送的。但在有需要情況下,可能會由其他公司的運送員安排運送



金鐘至西環 $180

灣仔區、東區、 南區 $200

赤柱至石澳 $260

半山及山頂 $260

九龍灣至觀塘 $100

九龍區(觀塘區除外) $90

葵青、荃灣 (深井除外)$100

東涌、西貢區 $250

元朗、天水圍 $200

深井至屯門 $180

大埔、油塘、將軍澳 $150

北區 $160

沙田、馬鞍山 $130

愉景灣 $400

馬灣 $160 (只設 12-4pm 送貨;不設上門服務)


Delivery related: 

-our delivery service is applicable to residential, commercial, or industrial address;

-door-to-door delivery service is applicable to residential address only (excluding buildings without lift installed; and, all residential buildings at Ma Wan);

-address without free parking, customer may need to collect the delivery at the roadside; or, an extra $30 parking fee will be charged for door-to-door delivery;

-when selecting delivery time slots, please allow plenty of time for your order as we are at the mercy of traffic which can be unpredictable. We would not be liable for delay delivery; 

-waiting charge $20 kicks in after 10 mins of wait; while, the driver will leave after 15 mins of wait

-in case same day re-delivery is required, surcharge of 50% original delivery fee will be imposed

-if the recipient could not collect the delivery on the date as scheduled, the order would be forfeited

-our driver is responsible for delivering most of the orders; if it is needed, the delivery may be arranged by a driver from a different company.


【Delivery Fee】

Admiralty - Sai Wan $180

Want Chai, Chai Wan; and Aberdeen $200

Stanley, Shek O $260

Mid Level and Peak $260

Kowloon Bay to Kwun Tong $100

Kowloon except Kwun Tong $90

Kwai Tsing, Tsuen Wan (excluding Sham Tseng) $100

Tung Chng, Sai Kung $250

Yuen Long, Tin Shui Wai $200

Sham Tseng, Tuen Mun $180

Tai Po, Yau Tong, Tsueng Kwan O $150

North $160

Shatin, Ma On Shan $130

Discovery Bay $400

Ma Wan $160 (delivery is only available by 4pm; must be collected at road side)