Sakura Ebi Mochi Mooncake

Introducing our delectable pastry, first crafted in 2018. This flaky delight is stuffed with a flavorful blend of dried sakura shrimp, salted duck egg yolk, pork floss, and chewy mochi. The perfect mix of mild sweetness and gentle saltiness creates a harmonious taste profile. The fresh, sweet essence of sakura shrimp shines through, offering a complex and gratifying flavor experience that is bound to impress.

Net weight: 65g x 4pcs, individually packed

Gift box size: 34 x 9 x 5cm

Original price: $338; Early bird discount (before 13 Aug): $298


Available for pick-up from 3pm onwards

Sakura Ebi Mochi Mooncake
As we are subject to the whims of traffic, we can only assure you that your order will be dispatched within the chosen time frame, but we cannot pinpoint an exact moment of delivery.
This item is currently sold out. Please register below and we will WhatsApp you once the item is available for purchase:

所有月餅於取貨日早上新鮮焗製及包裝,請存放室溫於取貨當天享用 或 冷凍-18度保存於20天內享用。


(1) 以焗爐翻熱:預熱焗爐160度,將月餅加熱10分鐘。這是我們最建議的享用方法,能回復月餅剛出爐的最佳口感! 或

(2) 以微波爐翻熱:將月餅加熱2-3次,每次10秒


A.O.P. 牛油、麵粉、全脂奶、糖、雞蛋、吉士粉、鹹蛋黃、櫻花蝦、豬肉鬆、糯米粉、 海鹽、米糠油
A.O.P. butter, flour, milk, sugar, egg, custard powder, salted egg yolk, Sakura ebi, finely shredded pork, glutinous flour, sea salt, rice bran oil


Photo are for reference only.